Source code for src.classic_algo.sort

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Module containing the most common sorting algorithms
    - bubble sort
    - selection sort
    - insertion sort
    - shell sort
    - quicksort
    - merge sort
    - heapsort

For the record, Python built-in `sorted` uses by default timsort which
is a hybrid stable sorting algorithm, running in O(n) for best case
(list already sorted) to O(n log n). It does so by taking advantage of
the fact that real-life lists often have some partial ordering.

[docs]def bubble_sort(a): """ In this algo, the i-th pass starts at the first element and compare sequencially each element to the next, swapping them if necessary, up to n-i. The biggest element 'bubbles up' to the n-i position. This runs in O(n^2): n-1 passes of O(n) comparisons. Note the use of the pythonic swap operation "a, b = b, a", not requiring the use of a temporary storage variable. """ length = len(a) for pass_number in range(length): for i in range(1, length - pass_number): if a[i] < a[i-1]: a[i], a[i-1] = a[i-1], a[i] return a
[docs]def short_bubble_sort(a): """ Variant of the short bubble, taking advantage of the fact we know that if no value has been swaped, the list is sorted and we can return early. """ length = len(a) for pass_number in range(length): has_swapped = False for i in range(1, length - pass_number): if a[i] < a[i-1]: a[i], a[i-1] = a[i-1], a[i] has_swapped = True if not has_swapped: break return a
[docs]def selection_sort(a): """ Swapping values can be an expensive operation. At the i-th pass, the selection sort finds the largest values and swap it with the value at n - i performing faster than bubble sort. Note this can be shortened same as above (not shown here for clarity) """ length = len(a) for pass_number in range(length): i_max, max_value = 0, a[0] for i in range(1, length - pass_number): if a[i] > max_value: i_max = i max_value = a[i] last_index = length - pass_number - 1 a[i_max], a[last_index] = a[last_index], a[i_max] return a
[docs]def insertion_sort(a): """ The insertion sort uses another strategy: at the i-th pass, the i first terms are sorted and it inserts the i + 1 term where it belongs by shifting right all elements greater one notch right to create a gap to insert it. It also runs in O(n^2) """ length = len(a) for pass_number in range(1, length): value = a[pass_number] i = pass_number - 1 while i > -1 and value < a[i]: a[i + 1] = a[i] i -= 1 a[i + 1] = value return a
[docs]def shell_sort(list_to_order): """ """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def merge(a, b): """ helper function used by merge_sort combines two sorted lists into one sorted list """ i, j = 0, 0 sorted_list = [] while i < len(a) and j < len(b): if a[i] < b[j]: sorted_list.append(a[i]) i += 1 else: sorted_list.append(b[j]) j += 1 # at this point, we have reached the end of one of the lists, we therefore # append the remaining elements directly to sorted_list sorted_list += a[i:] sorted_list += b[j:] return sorted_list
[docs]def merge_sort(a): """ Based on the divide and conquer approach, this algorithm runs in O(n log n). The array is split by the middle and each half is recursively sorted using merge_sort. The two sorted halves are then efficiently merged using the helper function above. """ if len(a) <= 1: return a midpoint = len(a)//2 left = a[:midpoint] right = a[midpoint:] a = merge(merge_sort(left), merge_sort(right)) return a
[docs]def quick_sort(a): """ Another divide and conquer algorithm, quick sort relies on choosing a pivot value. The list is then partitioned using the scheme described in partition_helper. This placed the pivot in its correct position in the sorted list, the function is then called on the sublist a[:right_mark - 1] and a[right_mark+1:] """ if len(a) <= 1: return a quicksort_helper(a, 0, len(a) - 1) return a
[docs]def quicksort_helper(a, first, last): """ Helper function splitting the list at the pivot and recursively calling itself on the left and right parts of this splitpoint. """ if first < last: split_point = partition_helper(a, first, last) quicksort_helper(a, first, split_point - 1) quicksort_helper(a, split_point + 1, last)
[docs]def partition_helper(a, first, last): """ A left_mark index are initiated at the leftmost index available (ie not the pivot) and a right_mark at the rightmost. The left_mark is shifted right as long as a[left_mark] < pivot and the right_mark left as long as a[right_mark] > pivot. If left_mark < right_mark, the values at which the marks are stopped are swaped and the process continues until they cross. At this point, a[right_mark] and the pivot are swapped and the index of the right_mark is returned. """ pivot_value = a[first] left_mark = first + 1 right_mark = last done = False while not done: while right_mark >= left_mark and a[left_mark] <= pivot_value: left_mark += 1 while right_mark >= left_mark and a[right_mark] >= pivot_value: right_mark -= 1 if right_mark < left_mark: done = True else: a[left_mark], a[right_mark] = a[right_mark], a[left_mark] a[first], a[right_mark] = a[right_mark], a[first] return right_mark
[docs]def heap_sort(list_to_order): """ """ raise NotImplementedError